Bill Tracking System
Invoice Process Flow in BTS
Login Credentials
Vendors are provided with login credentials for the BTS portal to access their profile.
Update Contact & Bank Details
Vendors must update their contact details and check their bank details in their profile section after login. This step is mandatory.
Invoice Submission
Vendors select the type of work, Territory Manager, Vendor type, and Nodal/Field manager, and fill up the basic invoice details & upload mandated documents in the checklists.
Invoice Processing
After submission, invoices are reviewed and either accepted or returned to the vendor if there are any shortfalls. Vendors can attend to the shortfalls and resubmit the invoice.
Approval & Payment
Invoices undergo clearance by various Managers in Regional Hierarchy before releasing payment to vendors.
Payment Advice
Payment advice reports are sent to the registered email ID of the vendor to keep them informed about the payment details.
Invoice Tracking
Vendors can track the progress of their invoices at all levels concurrently.
In BTS, vendors, whether MSME or Non-MSME, can submit invoices within 30/60 days from the invoice date upon submission in BTS.
The Bill tracking system (BTS) allows the vendors to submit the bill/invoice online and enables them to track the bills submitted by vendor right from date submission of the bill online until payment is released at every stage.Vendor is given an option to submit the bill/invoice to respective Field manager (FM) at Field/TO/RO/CO or to Nodal manager (NM) at Territory office/Regional office/ Corporate office NM(TO/RO/CO).After online submission, the Vendor is required to submit the original bill in physical form along with mandated original documents duly signed, which was initially appended in the checklist provided against each invoice type (OFC - AMC, Leasing of Fiber, Work, Supply, Misc etc) in the BTS.
The Vendor is required to append the scanned copy of invoice and mandated documents as per terms and conditions of purchase order/agreement in BTS and then invariably submit original bill/invoice along with mandated documents duly signed/stamped.This check lists helps Vendors and Employees to ensure that documents required for clearance of bills/invoices are appended/uploaded in the designated checklist. Online Process of bills is designed in BTS in such a way that the invoice and documents which are mandated to be appended along with the invoice are verified at all levels from Field manager (FM) at field/Territory Office/Regional Office/ until the release of payments by Finance to vendor. The entire process can be viewed by vendor as well as employees in BTS through the tracker icon against the bill details enlisted on the respective login dash board in the Bills tab.
Why Bill Tracking System?
RailTel considers Vendors as partners in growth. RailTel envis ages to enhance Vendor’s collaboration to work & grow together.
To maintain the trans parency in detail throughout the Invoice flow process.
To simplify the procedures without compromising on the compliances & ensuring timely payments to Vendors
Establishing a platform aimed at addressing vendor grievances w.r.t. delayed payments and ens uring the fulfillment of commitments by all parties involved.

What is Bill Tracking System?
BTS is a web portal created for RailTel Vendors/Contractors to submit invoices online.
Vendors are required to upload the documents as mandated in the PO/Agreement in the designated checklists provided for different work types provided in BTS.
BTS enables RailTel vendors/contractors to track the invoices concurrently right from date of submission of invoice until the payment is released.
Invoices shall be approved online at various Regional Hierarchy after receipt of original ( hard copy ) of the Invoice.
Implementation of BTS in RailTel
Its Live - SR
BTS is live in Southern Region since 01.10.2023 and has been successfully implemented.
Status of BTS in SR
Submission of bills and release of payments by/to Vendors only through BTS.
More than 8000 invoices are submitted by Vendors in Southern Region out of which more than 7000 invoices are passed.
Balance around 1000 invoices are either pending for process or returned to Vendor seeking clarifications.
Go live – Other Regions
Go live from today i.e. 21-02 2024 for CO, NR, ER and WR
Vendors are requested to submit their invoices through BTS w.e.f. 21-02-2024.

Convenient Invoice Submission
Vendors can submit their invoices from anywhere using internet with basic hardware like a Scanner, Computer, Laptop, or Smart phone/Tabs.
Payment advice Reports
Vendors receive payment advice reports through mail to their registered email ID in BTS.
Payment Visibility
Vendors can view payment details, i.e. deductions and net payment, when RailTel sends the bank statement for payment arrangement.
Easy Access to Important Portals
Vendors are provided with web links to essential websites like the e-invoice portal, GST portal, MSME portal, Shramik Kalyan portal and Digi-Locker for seamless access.
Real-time Change Tracking
Any changes made by Vendors or Nodal managers are logged in the invoice tracker, allowing vendors to view and stay updated on modifications carried out.
Central Invoice Repository
BTS acts as a secure repository for all invoices submitted to RailTel, ensuring easy access and organized record-keeping online.
Prompt Billing Cycles
Vendors can keep track of prompt billing cycles, ens uring that their invoices are raised accordingly on RailTel’s platform.
Efficient Invoice Corrections
Submitting invoices in BTS allows RailTel managers to review and return invoices promptly if any deficiencies are noticed, enabling vendors to rectify and resubmit invoices without the need for physical returns.
Enhanced Cash Flow Management
BTS empowers vendors to manage cash flows efficiently, leading to quicker deliverables and improved business operations.
Vendor’s support for BTS
Helpdesk Support
Vendors are facilitated with remote Help Desk support to submit the invoices online and acquaint with its process flow.
Mon-Sat (Working) days 1000 – 1800 hours.
Training Sessions
Respective Regions shall conduct Training sessions to Vendors to acquaint themselves on BTS.
User Manual and FAQ's
Vendors are provided with Vendor user manual and FAQs in the BTS portal.