EV Data Logger
EV Data
Real-time geographical and performance monitoring with multiway connectivity and cloud backup for efficient asset management.
The complete monitoring and recording of device performance under different environment are key to manage assets that are based on that device. Data loggers are such electronic devices that records data over time or about location with built-in external instruments or sensors .
With the advent in technology and the dynamic market demands, Railbit's ingenuine development called "Vehicle Data logger" does much more than just capturing location points. The system provides comprehensive geographical data, elaborate vehicle information, accurate data points and speed including additional features with multiway connectivity and cloud backup.

- Accurate location and speed tracking.
- 24 hr logs generation on a per second basis.
- Reduced set-up time.
- Led status notification.
- Battery and system diagnostics status.
- Improved run time.
- Extended range for enhanced geographical data.
- Can communication to capture vehicle information.
- Bluetooth connectivity for easy accessibility of logs.
- Cloud backed-up data logs.
- Robust design and easy to use.
- SD card-based live storage of upto 22k log files.
- Data analysis for efficient driver behavior.
- Vehicle Diagnostics and Tracking system.
- Records Vehicle's critical data.

- ARM based 16-bit controller.
- Programming: C.
- GPS.
- LTE/4G fall back 2G.
- CAN Controller.
- Bluetooth.
- Solid Disk Drive.