• sales@railbit.in
  • (+91)-8800383237
  • C-6 2nd Floor Sector 7, Noida Uttar Pradesh 201301 (India)


Railway Depot
Management System

Railway Asset Cum Depot Management System(RADMS) is a centralised way of managing depot inventory and assets by respective officers (Sr. DSTE / Sr. DEE / Dy. CSTE etc.) RADMS is designed and deployed in such a way that depot user can access its data through any machine using web browser and authorized login credentials.



System is protected with Login Credentials. Credentials are provided as per different level of users and also departments.


RADMS dashboard is an information management tool that visually tracks, analyzes and displays the details of depots; like latest receivings, latest issues, alerts, vendor details etc.


It provides the facility to receive and issue the products online with some clicks only. Apart from this it also provides the details on daily basis or of selected date.


RADMS has the feature to auto create the documents required during the issue of materials from depots; like Gate Pass, Issue Notes, Adjustment Memo etc.

Search Products

User can easily search any product of depot with all its details, with any keywords; like product full/partial name, make, model or anything related with the product.


Reports can be generated at any instance of time; Reports can be generated ledgers wise, date wise, tender wise etc. Reports shows all the details of product, like balance, make, model etc.

Vendor Details

It shows all the details of vendors like Name, Contact, Address, PAN, GST etc.


Alerts are generated via email and sms for important products on threshold level.

Contract Details

It shows all the informations related with contract.